
Qualification awarded
Bachelor of Science
Length of the programme
48 months
ECTS credits
Level of qualification
Dutch, with parts in English
  • School of Marketing Management and Financial Economic Management
  • Groningen

Marketing Major Marketing and Sales Management

Profile of the programme

To acquire the integrated competences in the areas of marketing, sales, organisation and communication, CE students are pragmatic and have excellent communication and social skills. They can communicate effectively in at least two foreign languages. They can solve problems, produce a marketing and business plan, present this plan in a professional manner and manage others, both independently and as part of a team. They have an excellent grasp of key market research methods and extensive knowledge of and insight into ICT. They also have the skills to translate this knowledge into activities at a strategic, tactical and operational level. Broad knowledge of economics, supported by management skills, forms the basis for their insightful approach to a wide range of professional situations. They can rapidly perform an accurate assessment of the individual or company they are dealing with. Their personal qualities include: ambition, perseverance, a focus on results, vision, team spirit, ability to cope with stress, an international outlook and efficiency both when working individually and as part of a group. These qualities enable them to rapidly, accurately and successfully translate clients’ needs and desires into strategic commercial policy and operational action.

CE Marketing and Sales Management Major
The core theme of the Marketing Management specialisation is marketing. Marketing is a way of thinking. CE students learn to base their approach on ‘the wishes of the clients’ and the needs of the market. They translate these wishes into a specific product or a specific service. The Marketing Management programme will teach you all about how to market products and how to do this as effectively and efficiently as possible.

Learning outcomes

The programme equips the student with the competences required of a professional in the field of Marketing. These are:
  • SETTING A COURSE; The Marketing professional maps out a marketing approach. He/she does this based on his/her vision, opportunities he/she identifies in the market and the long-term competitive advantage of the organisation where he/she works. Because he/she does not work within a vacuum, the Marketing professional is a bridge-builder who connects both knowledge and people.
  • CREATING VALUE; The Marketing professional gives substance to the marketing approach by creating long-term value for both the client, the organisation and society. He/she does this based on an analysis of data and research, with the aim of gauging the client's actual behaviour. He/she is able to translate this analysis into an action plan.
  • BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT; Via co-creation with stakeholders, the Marketing professional designs unique and/or innovative concepts and revenue models to optimise value for all relevant stakeholders. He/she anticipates and/or initiates change and gains the support of the stakeholders during the development process.
  • IMPLEMENTING; Based on the developed concept, the Marketing professional produces a sustainable marketing product or sub-product or service for existing and potential stakeholders. The Marketing professional puts forward creative solutions, facilitates parts of the implementation process, shows perseverance and takes financial responsibility in order to achieve the desired commercial result together with internal and external parties. He/she secures stakeholders’ commitment during implementation.


Marketing Major Marketing and Sales Managementcredits

Year 4 Marketing Major MSM 60